Monday, June 22, 2009

Family Leadership Project Accepting Application

Family Services

The DD Council is concerned with the well being of individuals with disabilities and their families a helping hand. From it’s new Family Resource Guide to its cooperation with other state agencies and organizations, the Council is actively engaged in helping families navigate an often complex system as they search for the resources necessary to meet the needs of the family and the child.

A major component in DDC’s family services is the Family Leadership Project (FLP). Conducted annually, the project’s primary objective is to assist its graduates in effectively participating in the development of policies, programs and services that directly impact their lives and the lives of family members with disabilities. FLP’s goals include providing participants with increased information about services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities; assisting participants in better understanding the strategies needed to affect systemic change, and techniques on how participants to work more effectively with state and local service agencies.

The Council accepts Family Leadership Program applications for its annual training cycle through December 31 of each year. Classes are conducted six times beginning in January and ending in June. To get more information about the DDC’s family services and supports programs, publications and activities, including the Family Leadership Project, contact Family Services Coordinator Brenda Mercer at

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